ON PETS – by Daddy

On Pets

My adult daughter called her mother the other day,
crying, to tell her that her family dog, Taz, had passed away. Later that day I was with my wife and she told me of the sad event. Taz had not been feeling well for several days and that night they had put him in his bed and the next morning they found him dead. We, too, had known Taz for some 12 years, since he was a puppy. As we talked about the event and how bad our daughter’s family felt about it, we, too, commenced to shed tears. Our family has always had pets and with only one or two exceptions they all died of old age. They have been, and are, important members of our family. They each have their own individual personalities, whether the pet be a cat or a dog. Dogs are always affectionate and cats are when they feel like it. They say a family owns a dog but a cat owns a family. I well remember my first dog, I brought a stray mongrel home when I was about eleven years old. I started feeding it scraps from our table and he stayed with me. He was about half grown at the time. It was during my fifth year in school and I remember that the war was still going on. Every once in a while a military convoy would be seen going through the streets of our city. I had a fascination with the Army jeep. I spent a great deal of time in class drawing pictures of jeeps and airplanes. Maybe at this point you can guess what I named my first and very own pet. You are right, his name became ‘Jeep’. Jeep slept on
my bed, ate my food (I don’t believe they even sold dogfood in 1945) and he went every where I went. When school was out Jeep would be waiting for me at the school house door. He would run alongside my bike as I rode all over the neighborhood. He provided a certain amount of humor for me and my friends. One time we were riding our bikes along a tree lined avenue in Spokane, Washington with jeep running along side. It so happened that two men were standing on the side walk talking and Jeep ran up on the sidewalk and stopped where the two men were and lifted his leg on one of the men. We talked and laughed about that for years. Wherever I was, there was Jeep, my constant companion. Jeep had one bad habit that I could never break him of, he loved to chase cars and sometimes bite at their tires if they were going slow enough. I mentally rationalized one time thinking that Jeep may have thought that cars coming toward us on the street may possibly be a threat to me. One day a car came along and true to form Jeep took out
after it, only this time, the thing that I was always afraid of
happened. Jeep was run over and killed. I remember running to the street and picking him up in my arms and with tears streaming down my face I carried him home. I was actually mad at him and I cursed him with every swear word that I could bring to mind. All that I could think of was that he did a stupid thing, now he was dead and he wouldn’t be with me any more. My sorrow could not have been more deep if the dead body in my arms had been my little brother. After all,they were both members of my family. I missed Jeep so much, I missed his licking my face, jumping up on me with muddy paws and being there for me 24-7, as they say today. I missed his being curled up in the bend of my knees as we slept through the night. We were pals, he loved me as only a dog can love and I loved him as only a boy could love. I don’t believe I feel much different about every pet that we have had as a family since that time. When our kids have brought home a new pet I have hesitated letting them keep them. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to start a new relationship with a new pet because I knew how much it hurt when they go away. I don’t believe that our children ever
understood my hesitancy, a hesitancy that was rooted in the loss of a little dog named Jeep.

Dear Friend

Last week, on the day my son
left for boot camp, my dear friend Laura, brought me these tulips and some cookies. She didn’t know it, but I was having a hard day. I don’t like it when people leave. I know it will be a good thing for my son to do what he is doing, and I believe he will be in a good place. He will come home someday, a better man than he is now. I had teared up several times at work and then there she was. She just showed up with this beautiful bouquet of flowers. I absolutely love the canning jar! I love you, friend. Thanks for being inspired to come visit.

the joyful nest!

I don’t know if you remember, but one of my first posts was about “choosing joy”.
It is what I do.
I have come to a time in my life,
when the chicks are mostly grown.
Time flies when you’re having fun, and
I know that in just a few years the nest will be empty.
I feel a pain in my heart. I’m OK, it’s just so hard to have my childers growing up and leaving. What’s weird is, I have been looking forward to this for quite sometime. I just didn’t know it would come quite so quickly. Being a mom has been the greatest, hardest, most amazing experience. When they were tiny, I would give anything (pretty much) for a break. Just 20 minutes! You know, run to the store by myself, take a shower, eat MY food by myself. I think all I did was feel overwhelmed and worry. Come to think of it, I still worry. But now they’re gone alot and doing so much, I worry when they don’t come home at the designated time. Did the car break down? Have they even looked at the clock? These days, I miss having them all safely tucked in bed by 8:30 pm.
After all is said and done, life is wonderful. It is a challange, and I love it. I choose to love it, all of it.
I sent my oldest son off to boot camp on Tuesday, he has chosen to serve his country. It’s going to be a great thing! I will miss seeing him for a while. Then my second son will be leaving on his mission in July. Oldest daughter is at a crossroads, as well. Bonus baby just turned sixteen on the 19th and had her first date all in the same week. Wow! I  know that I’m still their mom and hopefully they will always come home to the nest for visits, bringing lots of grandbabies and sharing love and  togetherness.
When I first heard Eva Cassidy sing the song, “Who Knows Where The Time Goes” I cried….I sobbed. I thought of my darling children flying away. It’s hard, but when it’s time for them to go, I know it. I have to have faith in them and in God. I know I have taught them, and loved them, and they are amazing!!
I had a friend tell me once, “Joy, you’re not the only one who loves them.” Father in Heaven loves them even more than I do. They will be just fine!!!

5 Faves on the 5th

1- Four leaf clovers!
I found one once…I’ve been lucky ever since!!! 😉
2-19 year olds!
What a fun guy!!
3-Having a MOM!!
I’ve had a Mom for 48 years. I think I’ll keep her.
A time of new beginnings!
5-the color green
I love it!!!

Happy Birthday!!! My Flexy is 19!!!

Well his name isn’t really Flexy. He just asked me to call him that when he was about 5 years old. It has been 19 years today, since he was born. When I had Alex, and they handed him to me, they said, Here is your baby“. I was quite overwhelmed, because I had a 19 month old baby at home. The first thought I had was…”What was I thinking?” Well, I must have been thinking…”This will be fun!! Let’s have another baby!!” I remember going to the grocery store with Riley in the front of the cart (you know, where I probably shouldn’t have put him), Kelsey in the baby seat and Alex hanging off the front of me in an infant carrier. GOOD TIMES! I only left the house to go somewhere, if I could take my time. People would pass by and say, “You look like a busy, mom.” Honestly, it has been fun. Alex has been such a fun little boy, teenager and young man. He is getting ready to go on an LDS mission and is soooo excited. We’ll let you know where he gets his call when it comes!!
I love this darling boy!!!
Happy Birthday, Alex!!

True Love!

is not a life spent with someone you can live with, it’s a life spent with someone you cannot live without.
When I first started dating my sweetheart,I knew he was the one for me. I actually had known him for about seven years before we dated. I knew him all through high school and always thought he was a great guy. He was very shy; not so much now. It was quite a effort to get him to ask me out in the first place. We would talk after church for hours and sometimes save each other a seat during church (we went to the same ward). Then we had our first date and then many, many more. Somewhere in the dating, an old friend called. Someone I really cared about before I started to date my darlinest. He wanted to see me again…yup, it was a kink. I didn’t really want to date him, but my sweetheart told me he wanted me to go out with him so I would know for sure that I wanted to be with him and not with “old guy”. I agreed and went on several dates with my other friend until I knew that I wanted to be with my sweetheart, for sure!! I had spent time without “old guy” and survived! And the thought of living without Mr. Wonderful just about broke my heart. I KNEW I COULD LIVE WITHOUT MY OLD FRIEND, I ALREADY HAD, BUT I ALSO KNEW THAT I COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT MY DARLIN. Remember…”Love is not a life spent with someone you can live with, it is a life spent with someone you cannot live without.”

Happy, Happy 100th POST!!! 100 WAYS TO CHOOSE JOY!!!

100 ways to choose JOY!
(in no particular order);)
100-go for a walk
99-cuddle your sweetheart
98-jump on a trampoline
97-research your family tree
96-go for a drive
95-clean a closet
94-serve dinner at a shelter
93-play scrabble
92-cuddle a sleeping baby
91-watch “The Princess Bride”
90-read a good book
89-make a new friend
88-make treats for your neighbor
87-do some ironing
86-take a long hot shower
85-lay on the grass and watch the clouds
84-watch planes take off and land
83- give the dog a bath
82-call an old friend
81-look at your eyes in the mirror
80-go to a museum
79-let go of things you can’t
 do anything about
78-paint your nails
77-make play dough for the kids and play with them
76-sing a song at the top of your lungs
75-do the dishes by hand
74-finish a project
73-practice saying “I love you” to the mirror
72-take a nap
71-start a blog
70-clean out your purse
69-write a letter
68-count your blessings
67-read to a small child
66-braid someone’s hair
65-sit in a park and just watch
64-buy flowers for yourself
63-plan your dream house or your mansion in heaven
62-try cooking something new
61-go for a hike
60-kiss someone you love
58-go on a picnic
57-set some goals
56-write a special memory for your posterity
55-notice the little things
54-plant a tree
53-learn a language
52-sit in the sunshine
51-pray daily
50-have a song in your heart
49-visit a historical sight
48-one word: “chocolate”
47-visit a rest home
46-don’t JUDGE
45-give a massage
44-stand for right
43-believe in God
42-listen to beautiful music
41-play with someone’s hair
40-go for a run
39-balance your checkbook
38-dust your home
37-go to a farm when the baby animals are being born
36-read about great people
35-donate to a charity
33-drink clean water
32-use the toilet
31-“do unto others…”
30-share dinner with friends
29-shampoo, massage your scalp
28-clean up someone else’s mess, without anyone seeing you
27-take pictures
26-get a pedicure
25-“if you can’t say somethin’ nice,
don’t say nothin’ at all”
24-get things done (no moping)
23-have a candlelight dinner
22-start a rock collection
20-listen more
19-count the stars
18-watch ants
17-don’t compare your worst with someone else’s best
16-chew bubble gum and blow bubbles
15-be grateful
13-feed the birds
12-create something from something else
10-ride a horse
9-smell brownies
8-Listen to your heart
7-tend children for a tired momma
6-jump a rope
5-lotion your whole body
4-close your eyes and feel the breeze
3-take a class
2-fold laundry
1-Choose it! choose JOY!!!!
Thanks for reading and spending the last 100 posts with me!
 Love, Joy

One quarter of a century!!

That’s how long I have married!!! Well, not yet, but on August 7th, 2010 it will be. I thought it would be fun to ask you what you think we should do to celebrate. What do you think? My mom and pop-in-law have a trailer at the lake. My little darlinest always jokingly says, “Well, we could always stay an extra day at the trailer.” Funny, I know, but not this year. It needs to be more special. Our biggest problem is the money. We are quite limited. We have a list of other pressing financial issues. Still trying to replace the shingles on the roof. And Alex, my almost 19 year old, will be leaving on an LDS mission sometime this summer. So help us get creative, come on, give us some ideas! I would love your help. The most important thing is this: I have a sweetheart who I love, more than I loved 25 years ago. It will be wonderful, where ever we spend our anniversary.