
The first time I saw a firefly was on my mission. I’m not sure fireflies exist in Utah. When I was serving in Austin, Texas we had just arrived at a teaching appointment and gotten out of the car. It was dusk, which is about when they appear. I saw a flash, then another, then I said to my companion, “Look!” She wasn’t as excited about them as I was. I think she’d seen them before.

Why do they do that? What is the purpose? Maybe the creator has a sense of humor. “Let’s make these cute little bugs, and let’s make their bums light up at night fall.” Maybe that’s what He said. Well, it makes me think about the scripture in Matthew 5:16,

Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

What if I were like this little bug, pleasant and did my best to be beautiful inside and out, and what if my actions and example caught someones eye. What if they said, “I like her! What makes her special?” And then they asked me why I have a little light? Why I am the way I am? What if I was able to tell them that I am special, but so are they! What if I told them how much our Father in Heaven loves them and that they have a little light, too?

I have been told I’m an example. I hope I’m a good example. I know I’m not the most spiritual, I’m just doing my best. I know I sometimes do silly things, but that’s not wrong. I hope I’m the kind of example who loves others, and brings a little laughter to life. I hope when others see my example they think, “She’s doing her best. She is good. She loves others.” And I hope that makes them want to do their best, be good and love others.

I’m so grateful for that little bug with the bum that lights up.

It just makes me happy!

The things we say

I heard a story of a man who spread falsehoods and slandered the name of a wise man in his town. The man who spread the falsehoods decided to go to the wise mans home and ask forgiveness. The wise man, knowing that the man couldn’t possibly understand the gravity of what he had done, told him to go to his home and cut a feather pillow and let the feathers blow in the wind. Then come back and see me. He did so and came back to the wise mans home.
“Did you do as I said?” asked the wise man
“yes, am I forgiven now?” answered the man.
“Just one more thing, now go gather all the feathers that came out of the pillow.” said the wise man.
The man then insisted that it would be impossible to gather all of the feathers, the wind had scattered them everywhere. The wise man then told the man that even though he wanted to take back everything he had said, the damage had been done and it was impossible, just like it was impossible to gather all the feathers.
When we’re placed in a situation where we’re tempted to say something about someone, remember these things that are tried and true:
T-Is it true?
H-Is it helpful?
I-Is it inspiring?
N-Is it necessary?
K-Is it kind?
Of course even if we know something is true about someone, we don’t always need to share it. Is telling someone else something you’ve heard about an individual a kind thing to do? Not usually, unless, it is necessary. What if they need help? Remember Thumper from the Disney show “Bambi”, when his mother scolds him for what he says to Bambi. She asks him to repeat what it is his father told him. And he says, “if you can’t say somethin nice, don’t say nothin at all”
An important part of telling the truth is not repeating something that is clearly not the thing that was said. Especially in politics. Things are taken out of context all the time. Listen carefully to what was said, if you are going to quote someone.
My mom reminded me of these three rules, and I felt like it would be an important thing to share today. We all need a reminder. So the next time an opportunity to share information you know about someone comes up, think to yourself…. if I tell what I know, is it true? is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? is it kind? and then just smile instead. Love, Joy

My sweetest darlin!

Today is my sweetheart’s birthday! He is
my soul mate and the love of my life.

Here is a list of ten things I love about my hubby:

10-He has beautiful steel gray eyes.

9-He is a stud puppet and very well built.

8-He is super athletic and it’s fun to watch him do sports.

7-He is very handsome.

6-He is not satisfied to just serve his family, but serves others too.

5-He is hard working and provides for his family.

4-He’s not afraid to do a load of laundry or cook a mean batch of “rice surprise”.

3-He has integrity and is true to what he knows is right and honest.

2-He loves God.

The #1 reason that I love my sweetheart is

He loves me!

I love you sweetheart! Happy Birthday!
Have a great day.

23 years ago

23 years ago,

I became a mother. Happy Birthday Riley! I remember holding you when you were brand new, tears streaming down my face, wondering how it was possible to love so much. Overwhelmed at the thought of being a mom, and thinking about all the new responsibilities I would now have. It has been challenging and rewarding. I love you and I’m glad I am blessed to be your mom!
In another week it will be 2 years since I became a grandma! Being a grandma is the best, and most wonderful reward for being the mom to her dad. I love you Natasha!


When my first daughter was born, it was such a wonderful day. An unbelievably wonderful day!! I had always wanted a little sister, even when I was just a girl. I got two little brothers instead. I love them dearly, and I’m glad they’re my brothers, I just always wanted a little sister.
So at 27 years old, this beautiful perfect baby daughter came into my life. I have always called Kelsey my “dream come true”. Here she was, my little sister and daughter all wrapped into one. The most important part was that she was (and is) a girl. Five years later I was blessed again with another darling little baby girl! If I thought I was blessed the first time, I was overwhelmed with love and appreciation to God for giving me these two littles girls. That is why Emily is “my bonus baby” girl. Having Kelsey was almost 20 years ago, and I am still thrilled to have these two daughters in my life. They are such beautiful young women.
(By the way, Kelsey is on the right, Emily is on the left.)


I have a saying on the wall in the living room, that says,
Home …to be at home,
is to find yourself
with those who put
your heart at ease.”
That is what a home should be, in my eyes. A place of refuge, away from the world, and the pressures of life. A place to rest and recoop, recharging ourselves to go back out into the world. Back out there where sometimes we don’t feel very safe. Especially while were still learning how to be a grown up.
I want my children to love and respect each other.
I grew up in a home with lots of different personalities. Sometimes, I didn’t feel like home was a place that my heart could be at ease. I believe that the family is the most important unit in society. I know it won’t always be perfect. But I do know there isn’t another place I’d rather be than with my family. And when things aren’t the way we think they should be, we just keep trying, and loving and working together to make our family the best it can be.
“Family is … a circle of friends that love you.”