Bear Lake-Pool Time!

We have enjoyed many years at Bear Lake. It is one of the fun and usual family activities we do each summer. We spend a few days, sometimes a week at the trailer that my in-laws own. It has a beautiful view of the lake and enough room for our family. We have had so many fun times swimming at the lake and pool, along with evenings playing games or watching movies together. It’s important to get a Raspberry shake or two during the stay. You can’t stay at Bear Lake without learning that they are famous for Raspberries.

A fun activity is to go for a ride around the lake, I prefer in the car. It is around 50 miles. A few times my sweetie has ridden bicycles around with a few of the kids. He did it Kelsey our Dream Come True. It was quite a feat! He also did it with Alex for a merit badge in scouts one year-with Alex’s friend Colter, and Grandpa Pearce, my father-in-law.

Pearce’s Mama, Ruth is from Montpelier, Idaho, just north of Bear Lake. It’s fun to go to the cemetery and find relatives. The Bear Lake Valley is so beautiful and fun to visit. The lake is usually cold to swim in, the kids call it Burrrrr Lake sometimes, cause it freezes you when you get in. It’s still fun once you get used to it. So beautiful.



I had the hardest time getting this little guy to look at me, or smile. 

He’s still super cute though!

Sunday Best- Pioneer Day!

Today is Pioneer Day in Utah.

It is a holiday that we commemorate the Mormon Pioneers entering the Salt Lake Valley.

The members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had been through a lot by then. They were known as the Mormons, and had been persecuted for years by people who didn’t understand them. They had been kicked out of different cities, by the people who lived there, told they were not wanted. Finally after the prophet was killed, along with his brother, the saints decided to head west. They wanted to find a place where they could live their beliefs, raise their families, and follow God. It is amazing to me that they were so persecuted in this country that was founded on religious freedom. The pioneers were very stalwart, hearty people, driven by a love of God to move forward and get to the place where they could be themselves. Many died on the way. Many miracles happened on the way. They traveled for 2-4 months, miles and miles. It was a very difficult journey. The period of time that someone crossing the plains would be considered a pioneer was 1847-1869. Once the railroad was complete they didn’t come by wagon anymore. I remember years ago when we took our kids on a trip to the Martin and Willie Handcart Sites in Wyoming. We were traveling in our family van about 60 MPH, and the kids where complaining about how long it was taking to get where we were going. I said, “We’re going 60 MPH, the pioneers went 10-15 miles per day!” They would say, “Wow!” I’m sure they had no clue. It is mind boggling to think about in this age of instant everything.

I am so grateful to my ancestors who came across the plains.

One gal I think of a lot is Mary Malden Peek.

She was my third great grandmother on my maternal side. She crossed the plains walking the whole time, except one afternoon when she was ill. What a trooper!


This awesome picture is of Mary’s family. She married Richard Dye.

Look how handsome and beautiful they are. I wonder if the children really understood what their parents did? How much they sacrificed to make a better life for them? I love them.

Here is a little clip that the Mormon Tabernacle Choir did about the pioneers.

Enjoy! Hope your Sunday is the Best! Love, Joy

Visiting Puffin’s? It’s a Happy Place!

There are some things in life that just fill my heart with happiness! One of those things are



All of God’s creations are amazing. I always try to make a habit of noticing and truly appreciating the beauty and wonder around me.

On my list of favorites is this cute sea bird called a Puffin. 

The Puffin is a small, black and white bird, with a colorful beak. It’s beak is not always colorful, but during the breeding season it is colorful. They can dive deep to fish for food, or fly for long periods of time. When they rest on the open sea, they can sit on the ocean and ride the waves. These cute little birds mate for life, but separate during the winter months coming back to the same place during breeding season. The female only lays one egg and she and her mate take turns sitting on the egg and feeding the Puffling once it is hatched. Yes, the young Puffin is called a Puffling! I could watch them for hours.

That brings up the reason for the post, I found a bird cam that is on Seal Island in Maine, Puffin’s breed there and Audubon has a camera so I can watch them as long as I want. Here’s the link for you!

It is called the Puffin loafing ledge.


The Puffin’s are truly an example of living a good life.

First: The never forget where home is. Second: They mate for life. They separate for a time and return to each other. Third: They work hard for their food and to feed the family. Forth: They know how to soar and they know how to dive. Sometimes life gives you ups and sometimes life gives downs. Fifth: When they need a break, the take it easy and float on the waves. You could say they “go with the flow”.

Maybe we can all learn to be more like Puffin’s!

Sunday Best! Happy Fathers Day!


“Fatherhood is much more than a social construct or the product of evolution. The role of father is of divine origin.”-D. Todd Christofferson

Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers out there!!! 

This happy and jolly looking fellow is my daddy! He is the best dad for me. His life and example are truly inspirational.

When he was young he dropped out of school. He was probably bored, because he worked and did other things and still ended up getting his GED at the same time the other kids his age were graduating. He was always motivated to get things done, to move forward and accomplish more in his life. This example has made me want to be productive, and accomplish things in my life. Once he finished school, he joined the army. He met my mom when he was stationed at the Presidio in San Francisco. He became a brick layer after that which meant that he could create and build things. He has always had the most beautiful yards and homes because he has a knack for building and creating. My darlin and I had our wedding reception 30 years ago in the yard he designed and landscaped. It was lovely. He got a masters degree and then a PhD. So smart! Such motivation! He was building a home and working a full time job the same year he got his doctorate. Don’t forget, he also had 5 kids and a sweet and supportive wife. He seems to have a vision for the best way to get things accomplished, and then moves ahead to finish what he started. He’ll tell you he’s not perfect, but he really is! He is 82 years old and still active and blessing others with his time and knowledge. My daddy and I have a standing date around the first of each month. He’ll call me and say, “Is this you? This is me, when do you want to have a date?” I just laugh and say, “Yes, it’s me! Is this you?” We set a date and it always turns out to be such a treasured time to me. I sure love my dad! I am so grateful that I have been blessed by his example, and love for all my life!

Thank you Daddy for being a wonderful Father!!! oxoxo

I hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

10 Reasons Why I love Being a Grandma!

When we first became parents, we were thrilled.

A tiny human was now part of our lives and we were overwhelmed, but looking forward to a lifetime of getting to know our child. How would we do it all? There was so much to learn. There were so many new emotions and concerns we had never even thought of, like, making sure he pooped and peed enough. How much formula is just the right amount? What if he won’t burp? At times he would not stop crying, why?

It all worked itself out. We did it! We have been and are successful parents. Yay!!!

Now the reward.

We get to be grandparents!

Let me tell you the 10 reasons why I love being a grandma!

10-Grandchildren are a blessing!

It is amazing how blessed I feel knowing that I get to have these little ones in my life.


9-Their little happy faces light up when they see you.

When we drive up to the house and they are waiting for us- it’s the best.


8-Grandchildren are adorable.

It is almost impossible to see your grandchild and not want to squish her (or him).


7-Little hugs around the neck are the best. 

To have my grandchildren hug me is to know that I am an important part of their world.


6-Grandchildren are very entertaining.

They are cute, funny, silly, dramatic, and emotional.


5-Spoiling them is expected.

It is so fun to buy them things, make them things, feed them things, and kiss them, and hug them, and love them so much!!

4-Grandchildren have sweet little piggy’s on their feet that need kisses.


3-They are your reward for not killing your kids.

I’m so glad I didn’t kill their dad when he was a teenager. Really.IMG_0179

2-Grandchildren remind us that God is good, and that the world must go on. 

How can you doubt it when you see that face?


1-When you’re a grandparent you get to send them home, and get a good nights sleep!!


Grandparenthood rocks! 

Now for the great news!  This little guy will be joining our family in September!


Look at this precious little soul!

Can you stand it?

I can’t wait to be a grandma…again!

I am so excited for this new baby to love!!!


Today, it has been 7 years since I started my blog!


It’s my blogiversary!!

So here’s a list of 7 things I’ve learned blogging for 7 years:

1-Always remember why you do it.


I don’t spend a lot of time on other peoples blogs. I am trying my best to get a grip in my life and sitting on the computer all day doesn’t help. So if I don’t have a lot of visitors, because I’m not commenting all the time on others blogs, I’m ok with that. I am leaving a journal with stories and what not for my family and anyone else who would like to visit. I love you all!

2-Put your best foot forward.


Emily and Anthony’s cute socks and shoes on their wedding day!

I struggle sometimes. I prefer to not focus on complaining. It’s really not me anyway. I am a joyful person! I am always looking for the blessings in life.

3-Have variety.


If I always focus on one topic, it’s like I’m talking in a monotone voice. That’s not very fun! So it’s good to mix it up.

4-Be totally honest.


I am, what I am. I love to share what I feel and the adventures I’m having. Sometimes, life is challenging. Maybe if I share how I’m working through a challenge it might help someone else. Who’s to say…;)

5-It takes a lot of effort sometimes, and that’s ok.


Remember Dory? Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!

6-“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”


I am a firm believer that love conquers all. I don’t agree with everyone on the internet, and I know they don’t all agree with me, but we can be kind and show love for other humans when we communicate.

7-Sharing what matters most to me is fun!


Sunday’s really are Best! Family History is so fun! Missionaries make me happy! Beautiful Places are beautiful! My Darlin, First Born, Janet, Dream Come True, Most Quoted, Amber, Bonus Baby, Anthony, Grandbabies, and Tayzie mean the world to me! Someday this blog will be a treasure for the people I love, maybe it is already. Either way, it’s here and waiting for a visit from all!

Thank you for visiting! I hope you return often!

Love, Joy


I’ve been going through boxes…still.

I moved a year ago, we downsized.

Somethings you can go through quick, and junk or donate. Somethings take time, like the kids school papers, and family memorabilia. My expectation was that I would scrapbook, or organize as we lived, and experienced the things that are now in boxes, while we were experiencing the memory.


I was busy when they happened,


Now, if you’re one of those mom’s like I was, don’t be hard on yourself. Do the best you can, and someday you can be like me. 😉 I found some pictures today of my kids when they were just tiny. With tears streaming down my cheeks I thought of all the fun we had as a family when they were little. It was the best! I wouldn’t trade it for anything!!!

If I had organized all the things I meant to, I wouldn’t be spending time today thinking about how blessed I’ve been to have children, a sweet darlin, and wonderful memories of all of us growing together!


Riley 2 years old with Uncle Brad


Alex 6 months old with Grandpa


Riley 5 years old and Kelsey 2 years old (me in the background)

Little Brothers!


Today is my little brother Grant’s birthday- Happy Birthday Grant!!

And on the 2nd of April was my baby brother Larry’s birthday- Happy Birthday Larry!!

Aren’t they so cute?

When we were kids I was often the one in charge when the parents weren’t home. I wish I could say I was always nice to them. I wasn’t.

They really were fun little brothers. They were inseparable.

Grant seemed a little more quiet than Larry when they were kids. Grant has so many talents, and is very creative. He worked hard at college and is a very good provider for his family. He is a leader. One of my favorite things about Grant is, I know he is always doing his best in whatever he accomplishes. You can count on him for love and support! For years it was our tradition to go to the local Parade of Homes together. He loves architecture and I love looking at all of the beautiful homes.  These days, besides being an all around great guy, he is a brilliant photographer of the Great Salt Lake area.

Larry is my baby brother. I don’t know if he likes me calling him that, but I was 9 when he was born and helping mom take care of him was such a fun thing to me. He was my baby. The one I took care of, and hauled around. Now he is a big guy and very lovable. He took state in wrestling in high school. We are all proud of that. He is very generous and loving to all of us. He is so creative and has a lot of projects going all the time. He is the epitome of an entrepreneur. He writes music and stories, and is creative and efficient, and also a great photographer and world traveler. He is my biggest help when it comes to technology (I’m sure he wishes he wasn’t).

Once when we were young I wanted to watch my two favorite shows: Love Boat, and Fantasy Island (I am embarrassed to say that), and the little brothers wanted to watch something else. Well, I was the boss ’cause mom and dad were gone. I said, “No, way!” A few minutes later the little brothers come in the room with picket signs and saying, “Rights for little brothers!” Bouncing the signs up and down. I about lost it! Oh my stars! They were so cute.

I feel so blessed to have these cute little brothers!!! I love you both!


My life would not be complete without you!


Are You Feeling It?


I stated in a post several months ago that I struggle with depression. 

The end of March marks one year in our new (old) home.

It has been quite a year! 

These are the things that happened in the last year:

1-We sold our home of 18 years. Left a wonderful neighborhood and church family, and moved to a new wonderful neighborhood and church family.

2-We bought a darling new home, built in 1906 and half the size of our old home.

3-We all lived together in our old home. My oldest with his sweet wife and baby in the basement apartment while they looked for a home, and our three other young adult children going to school, etc.

Not anymore! Oldest son and wife, Riley and Janet bought a home, second son Alex bought a home, and the girls, Kelsey and Emily moved in with him.

Which means….we became “empty nesters!” (Much more difficult than I anticipated)

4-Second son, Alex met and fell in love with his sweetheart, Amber. We had a wedding in October!

5-Girls no longer want to live with brother, Kelsey moves back with us, Emily moves in with Grandmother.

6-Quit my job. It was just too much.

7-Emily met and fell in love with her sweetheart, Anthony. We had a wedding in January. Spent the whole month of January sewing, creating centerpieces, and ordering wedding decor.

Not to mention, that since 2010 we sent Riley to Boot Camp, Alex to South Africa to serve a mission, Kelsey to Texas to serve and mission, and Emily to the West Indies to serve a mission, we received them all home and had three weddings, a funeral for my father-in-law and many other changes, including health issues for my parents. This last five years have probably been the busiest time of my life.

I’m only telling you all of this, because sometimes I think life just wears you out!

I wouldn’t change any of these experiences for anything, but I feel pooped. The state of my mind doesn’t help sometimes.

The reason I titled this post “Are You Feeling It” is, because I consider feelings very important.  There are feelings of worry, fear for the future, for the safety of family, etc. Sometimes when I have feelings come to mind that are not helpful to me, I have learned some pretty good coping skills, like looking for all the good things that are happening, also making sure I am taking care of myself.

I would say the feeling I long for most on a consistent basis is Peace. I really want to feel that all the time, but that may be too unrealistic.

There are times when I want to feel close to my Father in Heaven. It’s not that I don’t feel Him to a certain extent, but not the way I want to feel Him. It could be my happy pill, sometimes I’ve heard from others taking medication that they can’t even cry. The pill makes them feel numb. I need the pill to be my best, but I want to know He is there for me. That I am of infinite worth to Him. I want to know He is hearing my prayers and answering them.

I have decided it is an issue of Faith, for me. I was studying Faith and thought, maybe I don’t have enough Faith.

In the Bible dictionary it says Faith is a principle of action. You know how people say to “exercise” Faith. I thought that explains a lot…I never really like to “exercise.” Haha 🙂 (I wish I could say I was kidding. I know, exercise releases endorphins.) So anyway, if Faith is a principle of action, I decided to make a list of things I could do to “exercise” Faith. Here it is: Study my scriptures, pay my tithing and offerings, attend all my church meetings, take the sacrament in a meaningful way-thinking about the Savior and His atonement for me, doing my best at my church calling, also really putting an effort into saying heartfelt prayers at least morning and before bed. I already do these things, but maybe not my very best effort. I committed to build my Faith.

And guess what?

It helped. I started noticing things in my day going smoother, or having some tiny insignificant thing go just right. I even had answers to prayers come in a way I could not deny. I know there may be some doubters, but I felt it! I felt Him. I felt Him loving me and I am feeling much better than I have for a year.

If you are struggling with your Faith, do your best to put your desire to increase your Faith into action. This lets Heavenly Father know you are willing to do your part, to act, to meet Him in the middle or even more. Whatever it takes, do it! I can say I can Feel it, and I am so grateful for my increased Faith.

My Therapy Dog!


Dogs are so perceptive.

They know how your doing at any given second. This sweet girl knows she is loved. She stays close and even wants to be on my lap as I sit at my desk working. It can’t be comfortable, but there isn’t a rug, or chair close by so she can be near me. She cries at my feet till I pick her up and put her on my lap.

What a blessing animals are to our lives.

I love this sweet Tayzie Mae!
