Dearest family,
Things are good here. We had a pretty good week. We’ve been teaching J. quite a lot, and he’s progressing really well. I’m pretty sure he’ll be good to get baptized on the 28th of July! 🙂 Wooo! He’s super cool.
Anyway, so this week:
Monday: We had a p-day activity and we played chair soccer for the first time since I left my last area. It was super fun, but there were way too many people. All of the sisters got hit at one point or another. But it was still fun.
Tuesday: We went with a recent convert, V., to the family history center thingy in the church to help him try to find his ancestors. It was pretty fun, but for hispanic people it is super hard to go back into their geneaology, because the records that they keep, in Mexico especially, aren’t that great. So we had a hard time finding his family. Also it’s hard, because he doesn’t know any of his father’s information. But anyway, we’ll find something.
Wednesday: Happy 4th of July!! It was pretty good, but we didn’t do anything besides the usual.
Thursday: While we were planning there was a huge wasp in our apartment, and Sister M. was really brave and killed it. We also found a really cool new investigator, P. She is a sweet little old lady, and her husband died about 6 years ago. She was actually given to us as a referral from her son-in-law, who is a member of one of the english wards. She is awesome! We are still teaching her so we’ll see what happens from here on out. 🙂
Friday: We had a zone huddle, and it was super awesome. We talked about making “baptism soup”, and all the ingredients and the process that does into that. It was pretty good. We’ll definitely be eating ourselves full of “soup” in no time. ; )
Saturday: We had a storm and the tornado warnings went off. Sister M. is like deathly afraid of tornados, so she was like desperate to find shelter. It was so funny, because I kept telling her everything was going to be okay, and she kept telling me, “But what about this…” or what about that?”
Sunday: Elder A. said something really funny while we were at church. He said, “How can so much anger fit into such a tiny body?” It was so funny to me, because y’all know that I have little spunk. He also knows this, but then the funniest part was what he said after. “It’s like she has midget madness!” Ha ha ha. He’s such a funny guy. I just laughed, and walked away.
Mom: First of all…OH MY GOSH!! That is not little T. and G. and Natasha!!!! What the heckies?!!? They are so big now. Oh my goodness! I miss those sweet little chidlets.
Second…Thank you thank you thank you!!! for the package. It was wonderful. I really was super excited about the clothes and the watch. And also the shampoo and pills were very needed 🙂
That was such a sweet story about the little tribe kids. I feel like it’s a little bit like that in missionary work, because if the missionaries you are serving around aren’t having success, it is hard to enjoy your own. But when everyone is doing good, then we are all happy. 🙂 I think it’s that way in life in general though. And that is true about the gospel as well. The other day we were talking to this guy and this a little of how the conversation went:
Man: Why do you go out and knock doors? Is it for your own salvation or is it really to save other?
Me: The reason I come out and knock doors is because I know that the message I bring is true, and because I want everyone to be able to feel the happiness that I feel to know what I know. (I’m not sure if those were the exact words, but it was something like that)
But it’s true. When we are truly living the gospel of Jesus Christ, and not living it just because it is something good we should do, but because we really know that it is true, you feel a happiness that is unlike any other. And even when hard times come, you still have that faith and that testimony to fall back on. And I’ve come to see that that is something that everyone deserves. Every single person on this planet should have the opportunity to hear about the good news that we share as missionaries! 🙂 And I am so thankful that I have the gospel in my life, because I would be in a very dark place if I didn’t have it.
Dad: Ha ha ha! Oh man, that is super funny what you called us in you’re email. I really am not to trunky. I have moments when I think about it, but just for like a few seconds, and then most the time when I do think about it, I’m not excited, I’m nervous. The real world is a scary place. 🙁 But it’ll be okay.
Man, that is sad you had to miss the fireworks on the 4th. We also missed the fireworks, but we heard them. They kept us awake. But it was a good day.
Emily: I am for real writing you a letter today. I just didn’t finish your letter fast enough last week and then p-day was over so I couldn’t finish. But I will FOR SURE! 🙂
Well, I gotta go now. Tell Flexy hi for me when you see him! ; ) And the rest of you, be good and I love you all lots! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Love, Kelsey