Two Cents! by T and G.


I decided I have to share. You know how kids say the darndest things? Well the two little guys we have tended for years have given us a plethora of giggles. I’ll just call them T and G. T is 6 years old, G is 4 years old, and they are so funny and entertaining. We don’t tend them every week anymore, but we still tend them at least once a month and sometimes more. So here goes!!!

G: My vitamin loves me.

Seasons of Life

School started this week, and with it came all sorts of changes. First, I started a new job. It is a good job, not that the last one wasn’t a good job, but it is a nice change.

Second, the little boys that we have been tending for years will no longer be coming to our home. They grew up enough to go to school and need a different tender. 🙁

And third, my baby is in high school!! How did that happen? We used to tell the kids that it was breaking the rules to “grow up”!

I have never liked big changes, I mean BIG changes, don’t get me wrong, I love variety in life. But when things change for good, leaving in their place an empty space or even something new, it is always a challenge. So I have been adapting and trying to appreciate

the seasons of my life.
If I compare it to the seasons that are common in the part of the world we call home, it is a good thing. Like Fall, my favorite, I love the colors and the crisp air. I love layering my clothes and I love going for drives and taking walks.
Instead of being sad or overwhelmed with the change, I plan to smile big and look forward to
the season at hand.