
This cutie on top is my little friend Kalli!

I love to watch cheerleaders! They are truly amazing. They get you pumped up and excited about life. When they perform and do stunts it is a wow moment in life! One of the funnest things I’ve seen them do is called Spirit fingers. They lift up their hands high in the air and wiggle their fingers and yell “Wooohooo!” If they do it right the people in the audience will raise their hands and do spirit fingers back to them and yell “Wooohooo” too.

I loved cheerleaders in junior high school too. I thought that being a cheerleader would be so fun! I did gymnastics for years and knew how to tumble, and do some tricks. I decided when try outs were coming up that I should try out for cheerleader. I worked hard at it, but I was all by myself. Some of the girls would work together as they practiced the required cheer and stunts. We didn’t have stunts back them like they have now, where several girls lift the smallest girl while she holds her leg up and then flips off the top of the girls holding her. It was just you doing a cheer that they gave you. On the day of try outs I was so nervous. I felt good too, like it could happen. I could make cheerleader and have a blast cheering the teams on at all the games.

When it was my turn to try out, I ran out into the gym, did a tumbling pass and yelled my cheer at the top of my lungs! I thought “Oh yeah, I’ve got spirit!” It went well, I thought, mostly because I never got to see anyone else try out. I felt good about it though. I went home. Wondered about it several times. Then bedtime came. I didn’t sleep great, because I was still wondering and hoping that I made it. The next morning I got on the bus for school. I saw one of the other girls who tried out. I said, “I think I might have made cheerleader.” She said, “Really?” I said, “I just feel good about how I did.” She smiled. When we got to school they had an assembly were the new cheerleaders were announced. I found out that the new cheerleaders had been kidnapped the night before and taken for dinner or dessert, I can’t remember which. I also found out that the girl who tried out with me and that I talked to on the bus made cheerleader. I felt foolish. I wished I hadn’t said anything to her. Oh well, I thought you can’t do anything about it now. I was sad for little while, but then ok with not making cheerleader, but I never tried out again. That was about 47 years ago.

I still love to watch cheerleaders. They are amazing. It sure looks like fun!

I was recently thinking about the story of trying out for cheerleader. I’m ok with not making it, and not being a cheerleader, but I realized while thinking, I am a cheerleader! Even though I didn’t make cheerleader as a young woman I am a cheerleader and always will be.

At 21 years old, I was a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was a cheerleader for people looking for a Savior and friend. As missionaries we would cheer as they accepted the gospel and were baptized members of the church. We felt the spirit as they bore humble testimony of God and His influence in their lives. What a blessing to be their cheerleaders.

I cheer for my brothers, Daddy and Mama. Since Daddy passed away I am my mama’s biggest cheerleader. I give her pep talks and tell her how amazing she is, and that she can “do it!”

In the first years of marriage and even now, I am my husbands best cheerleader. All through the years we raised our children I cheered them on daily! (Spirit fingers!!) I was chosen to be a Relief Society President and Head cheerleader to our ward women’s organization. It was an important job- encouraging those mom’s and wives to do their best in spite of exhaustion. I cheered the Primary children on as the Primary President and leader and taught them all about spirit, and how to follow the leader. I cheered for the Young Women in our neighborhood as the Young Women President and leader, and sometimes we cheered together about this wonderful, and exciting life! Just like a high school football game, there were highs and lows and I would cheer; “You can do it! There’s nothin to it!!”

I cheer for my kids now that they are adults, and their spouses and their darling little team mates! I will always be their cheerleader!

This year I made it to one of the best squads. I didn’t even have to try out. I was chosen to be a cheerleader for Families. I am so excited to cheer for the members of our ward family. I will cheer and encourage and persuade them to research and find their loved ones and get to know them. Then they can take them to the temple and be together forever!! I am cheering on my friends who are writing their personal histories. I am sharing my excitement and spirit for Family History. Yes! This is an important job. I love it and I’m having so much fun cheering!

We can all be cheerleaders. You don’t have to try out. You just need to be available and care about others. It’s that simple.

“We have spirit- yes we do, We have spirit- how about you?”

A Sacred Place

Through all the days of my childhood and youth I knew I wanted to go to them temple, someday. I thought it would probably be to be married. I did know that temples have been an important place to commune with God from the beginning of time and in many religious groups. I knew it was important to the religion I was raised in. I’m grateful that there was an anticipation and goal to go inside someday. There is a song that talks about going to the temple written by Janice Kapp Perry.

I love to see the temple. I’m going there someday

To feel the Holy Spirit, To listen and to pray.

For the temple is a house of God, A place of love and beauty.

I’ll prepare myself while I am young; This is my sacred duty.

I love to see the temple. I’ll go inside someday.

I’ll cov’nant with my Father; I’ll promise to obey.

For the temple is a holy place Where we are sealed together.

As a child of God, I’ve learned this truth: A fam’ly is forever.

She wrote this song in 1980. I was 19 years old and taught little eighteen month-three year olds in the nursery. I’m sure we sang it. I love the spirit this song brings to my heart. As I got older I looked forward to going to the temple. I didn’t know for sure what happened in there because it is sacred and not talked about in regular conversation, but I knew I wanted to go and planned on going when the right time came.

The right time came shortly after I received a mission call to serve for my church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was called to serve in the Texas, San Antonio Mission. I had been going back and forth with the decision to go or not for months. Every time I thought about going the spirit would burn inside my chest, testifying that this was right and good. I was very scared to leave home. I had never been gone for more than a month in my whole life. Missionary girls serve for 18 months. I was afraid my parents would die while I was gone, etc. But I could not deny the prompting, it was real and powerful. So powerful that I sent my papers in and received my call.

After my call came the next step was to enter the temple and receive my endowment. At the endowment is descibed like this:

“The endowment is a religious ceremony administered in temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is available to adult Church members who are prepared for this sacred experience.

The endowment provides instruction, covenants, and promised blessings that offer power, purpose, and protection in daily life.”

I knew I wanted to go to the temple. I had planned on going my whole life, but I was very overwhelmed at the thought of it. I knew it was important. I knew it would change my life, and help me to be better, and do better in my life.

On the day I was planning on going to the temple I was going to Cosmetology at the local college and thought off and on about what would happened later that day -all day long. I was apprehensive, nervous, and excited. I got home from school, and my parents and I left for the temple. It was only about 8 miles away from our home. I continued to think about what I was about to do. I had looked forward to this all of my life, 21 years. I honestly thought I would be getting married when I went to the temple, but the opportunity was not presented. I had become quite independent and was ok to an extent leaving home and having an adventure.

When we got to the temple my Daddy dropped me and my Mama off at the doors and went to park the car.

I walked into the temple for the first time.

The first thing I noticed was how light it was. It was dark outside, but it still seemed so light. I felt the most peaceful feeling I have ever felt in my life. The sweet lady who was there just for me, walked up to me and touched my arm and asked my name. I told her and she said with the sweetest voice, “I’m so glad you’re here.” She asked me to follow her. I felt so much love. Love and Peace are exactly what you want to feel when you are doing what God wants for you. I knew my life, and my decision to serve a mission was what God wanted. I knew that I was where I was supposed to be. I felt the same feeling I felt when the spirit prompted me to go and serve the Lord. I knew that everything would be ok.

My experience at the temple was sacred. I am so grateful for that experience, and all the other experiences I’ve had attending the temple.

It wouldn’t be for another 2 and 1/2 years before I was married in the Salt Lake Temple to my eternal companion and sweetest Darlin.

“For the temple is a house of God, a place of love and beauty.” What a wonderful Father in Heaven, and Savior to bless us with the ability to commune with them and feel love and peace in this world.